
Steps to avoid over use and misuse of ML in clinical research Review

Steps to avoid over use and misuse of ML in clinical research Review




  • The lackluster performance of  many machine learning (ML) systems in healthcare
    • has been well   documented.
    • In healthcare, AI algorithms can even perpetuate human prejudices such as
      • sexism and racism when trained on biased datasets


Box 1 | Recommendations to avoid overuse and misuse of AI in clinical research 

    1. Whenever appropriate, (predefined)  sensitivity analyses
      • using traditional statistical models should be presented alongside ML models. 
    1. Protocols should be published and peer reviewed whenever possible, and 
      • the choice of model should be stated and substantiated. 
    1. All model performance parameters should be disclosed and, ideally,
      • the dataset and analysis script should be made public. 
    1. Publications using ML algorithms should be accompanied by disclaimers 
      • about their decision-making process, and
      • their conclusions should be carefully formulated.  
    1. Researchers should commit to developing interpretable and transparent ML algorithms
      • that can be subjected to checks and balances. 
    1. Datasets should be inspected for sources of bias and
      • necessary steps taken to address biases. 
    1. The type of ML technique used should be chosen taking into account
      • the type, size and dimensionality of the available dataset. 
    1. ML techniques should be avoided when dealing with
      • very small, but  readily available, convenience clinical datasets
    1. Clinician–researchers should aim to procure and utilize
      • large, harmonized multicenter or international datasets with high-resolution data, if feasible. 
    1. A guideline on the choice of statistical approach,
      • whether ML or traditional statistical techniques, would
      • aid clinical researchers and highlight proper choices

Failure to replicate 

  • At the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic,
    • the development of ML algorithms to estimate the probability of infection was hot.
      • These algorithms based their predictions on various data elements 
        • captured in electronic health records, such as chest radiographs
    • Despite their promising initial validation results,
      • the success of numerous artificial neural networks trained on chest X-rays  
        • were largely not replicated when applied to different hospital settings,
        • in part because the models failed to learn or understand the true underlying pathology of COVID-19
    • These ML algorithms were
      • not explainable and,
      • were inferior to traditional diagnostic techniques such as RT-PCR,  
      • obviating their usefulness.
    • More than 200 prediction models were developed for COVID-19,
      • some using ML, and
      • virtually all suffer from poor reporting and high risk of bias

 Avoiding overuse 

  • The term ‘overuse’ refers to
    • the unnecessary adoption of AI or advanced ML techniques  
    • where alternative, reliable or superior methodologies already exist.
    • In such cases, the use of AI and ML techniques is
      • not necessarily inappropriate or unsound,  
      • but the justification for such research is  unclear or artificial:
      • for example, a novel technique may be proposed that delivers no meaningful new answers. 
  • A high AUC is not necessarily a mark of quality,
  • as the ML model might be over-fit  (Fig. 1).
  • Figure 1 Model fitting
  • When a traditional regression technique is applied and compared against ML algorithms,
    • the more sophisticated ML models often offer
    • only marginal accuracy gains,
    • presenting a questionable  trade-off between model complexity and accuracy
  • Even very high AUCs are no guarantees of robustness,
    • as an AUC of 0.99 with an overall event rate of <1% is possible, and
    • would lead to all negative cases being predicted correctly,
    • while the few positive events were not
  • many simple medical prediction problems are inherently linear,
    • with features that are chosen because they are known to be strong predictors,
    • usually on  the basis of prior research or mechanistic considerations.
      • In these cases, it is unlikely that
      • ML methods will provide a substantial improvement in discrimination
  • modest improvements in medical prediction accuracy are
    • unlikely to yield a difference in clinical action
  • ML techniques should be evaluated against traditional statistical methodologies 
    • before they are deployed.
    • If the objective of a study is to develop a predictive model, 
      • ML algorithms should be compared to a predefined set of traditional regression techniques
      • The model should then be externally validated

Rationalize usage 

  • Researchers should start any ML project with
    • clear project goals and
    • an analysis of  the advantages that AI, ML or conventional statistical techniques
      • deliver in the specific clinical use case
    • If the objective of a study is to develop  a new prognostic nomogram or predictive model,
      • there is little evidence that ML will fare better than traditional statistical models
        • even when dealing with large and highly dimensional datasets
    • If the purpose of a study is to infer a causal treatment effect of a given exposure,
      • many  well-established traditional statistical techniques, such as
        • structural equation modelling, propensity-score methodology,  instrumental variables analysis a regression discontinuity analysis,
        • yield  readily interpretable and rigorous estimates of the treatment effect

Avoiding misuse 

  • the term ‘misuse’ connotes more egregious usages of ML,  
    • ranging from problematic methodology that engenders spurious inferences or predictions,
    • to applications of ML that endeavor to replace the role of physicians  
      • in situations which should still require a human input
  • Indiscriminately accepting an AI algorithm
    • purely based on its performance, 
    • without scrutinizing its internal workings, 
      • represents a misuse of ML19, although
      • it is questionable to what extent every clinician decision is robustly explainable
  • Many groups have called for explainable ML or the incorporation of counterfactual reasoning
    • in order to disentangle correlation from causation
    • The notion of a ‘black box’  that underpins clinical decision-making 
      • is an antithesis to the modern practice of medicine and
      • is increasingly inaccurate,  
        • given the growing armamentarium of techniques such as
          • saliency maps and  generative adversarial networks
          • that can  be used to probe the reasoning made by neural networks
  • Researchers should commit to developing ML models that are
    • interpretable, with their reasoning standing up to scrutiny by  human experts, and
    • to sharing de-identified data and scripts
      • that would allow external replication and validation

Data constraints 

  • Usage of ML in spite of data constraints, such as biased data and small datasets,
    • is another misuse of AI.
  • Deep learning techniques are known to require large  amounts of data,
    • but many publications in the medical literature
      • feature techniques with much smaller sample and feature-set sizes than
      • are typically available in other technological industries.
        • Meta’s Facebook trained its facial recognition software using photos from more than 1 billion users;
        • autonomous automobile developers use billions of miles of road traffic video recordings from   hundreds of thousands of individual drivers in order to develop software to recognize road objects; and
        • DeepBlue and AlphaGo learn from millions or billions of played games of chess and Go
    • In   contrast, clinical research studies involving AI generally
      • use thousands or hundreds of radiological and pathological images,  and
      • surgeon–scientists developing software for surgical phase recognition
        • often work with no more than several dozen surgical videos
    • These observations underscore
      • the relative poverty of big data in healthcare and
      • the importance of working toward achieving sample sizes  ike those that have been attained in other   industries, as well as
      • the importance of a concerted, international big-data sharing effort for health data. 

Human–machine collaboration 

  • The respective functions of humans and algorithms in delivering healthcare are not the same
    • ML algorithms can complement, but not replace,
      • physicians in most aspects of clinical medicine,
        • from history-taking and physical examination
        • to diagnosis, therapeutic decisions and performing procedures.  
    • Clinician–investigators must therefore 
      • forge a cohesive framework whereby big data propels
        • a new generation of human– machine collaboration
  • ML applications are likely to exist as
    • discrete decision-support modules to support specific aspects of patient care,
    • rather than competing against their human counterparts
  • Human patients are likely to want 
    • human doctors to continue making medical decisions,
    • no matter how well an algorithm  can predict outcomes.
  • ML should, therefore, be
    • studied and implemented as
      • an integral part of a complete system of care.
  • The clinical integration of ML and big data is poised to improve medicine.
    • ML  researchers should recognize the limits of their algorithms and models
      • in order to prevent their overuse and misuse,
        • which  would otherwise sow distrust and cause patient harm

Table 1: Definitions of several key terms in machine learning

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