
Breast imaging understanding how accuracy is measured when lesions are the unit of analysis review

Breast imaging understanding how accuracy is measured when lesions are the unit of analysis review


  • Breast imagingunderstanding how accuracy is measured when lesions are the unit of analysis. Breast J. Nov-Dec 2012;18(6):557-63. doi: 10.1111/tbj.12009.


  • Breast Cancer Patients에서
    • multiple lesions이 있거나 알려진 primary tumor 외의 다른 abnormal area를 찾는 경우가 있음
      • e.g, Cancer 관리를 위한 mammography 이후 추가 imaging 촬영, MRI로 수술전 계획(Preoperative planning)을 세우거나 staging of disease를 정하는 것 등
    • 이 경우, Radiologists가
      • location of additional lesions을 정확히 찾고 이 lesions이 significant한 지 올바르게 판정하는 것이 중요함
      • Significant: lesion이 malignant하거나 treatment planning을 세워야 할 정도로 malignant로 발전할 가능성이 큼(high potential)을 의미
  • Lesion as the unit of analysis
    • 위의 경우, lesion level analysis가 필요함
    • 일반적인 SN, SP, ROC curve estimates의 사용은 한계가 있음
  • Purpose of the study
    • 환자가 위치를 정확히 알아야 하는 multiple lesion이 있을 경우의 lesion level analysis에 대해 다룸
    • lesion이 unit of analysis일 때는 일반적으로 사용하는(usual estimate) specificity나 ROC curve 사용이 어려움을 설명하고자 함

Materials and Methods

Illustrative Example

  • FDG PEM(F18-2-fluoro-2-deoxy-D-glucose positron emission) MMG study
    • objective: FDG PEM의 accuracy 평가
    • subjects: women newly diagnosed with breast cancer(invasive or in situ)
    • MRI image와 FDG PEM image를 비교
      • 유방절제술(mastectomy)의 pathology information이 reference standard

Illustrative Figure

  • 10 patients as an example
  • it is not meant to reflect the true accuracy of any imaging test
  • 9 women with significant disease, one woman without breast cancer
    • 17 significant lesions (10 true positives, 7 false negatives)
    • 3 false-positive findings

Methods of Analysis

  • Sensitivity of a test
    • the probability that the test indicates disease is present given that disease is truly present
    • \[SN = P(Test + | Disease)\]
  • Specificity of a test
    • the probability that the test indicates there is no disease given that disease is truly absent
    • \[SP = P(Test - | No Disease)\]
  • Unit of Analysis가 무엇인지 중요함


Patient-Level Analysis

  • Typical way of evaluating the accuracy of a medical test
  • Goal
    • 질병이 있는 사람들과 없는 사람들을 test가 얼마나 잘 탐지(detect)하는 지를 평가함
  • 2 by 2 table

  • \[SN = P(Test + | Disease) = \frac{P(Test + \& Disease)}{P(Disease)} = \frac{(8/10)}{(9/10)} = 8/9 = 89%\]
  • \[SP = P(Test -| No\ disease) = \frac{P(Test - \& No\ disease)}{P(No\ disease)} = \frac{(0/10)}{(1/10)} = 0%\]

Breast-Level Analysis

  • The breast as the unit of analysis
    • 이 경우, patient level analysis에 비해 n수가 2배가 됨(each breast에 대해 평가)
  • 2 by 2 Table
  • \[SN = P(Test + | Disease) = \frac{P(Test + \& Disease)}{P(Disease)} = \frac{(8/20)}{(10/20)} = 8/10 = 80%\]
  • \[SP = P(Test -| No\ disease) = \frac{P(Test - \& No\ disease)}{P(No\ disease)} = \frac{(9/20)}{(10/20)} = 90%\]
    • Patient level analysis의 SP 0%가 Breast level에서는 90%가 됨

Lesion-Level Analysis

  • The lesion as the unit of analysis
    • Figure 1에서 20 regions이 areas of interest였음
  • 2 by 2 Table

  • Lesion level에서는 True Negative를 정의할 수 없음
    • Radiologist가 식별하지 않고 또 Pathology에서도 암이 없다고 나온 lesion을 어떻게 ‘True Negative’하다고 lesion level에서 정의할 수 있을지?
      • “True Negative”라고 lesion level에서 정의할 수 있을 영역의 경우의 수가 너무 많기 때문에 위 table의 물음표(?)를 채울 명확한 방법이 없음
        • (There are infinitely many possibilities for defining areas that could be marked as true negatives. The end result is that we have no obvious way to fill in this cell)
    • 따라서 Lesion level에서는 Specificity 계산을 할 수 없음 (민감도는 가능함)
  • \[SN = P(Test + | Disease) = \frac{P(Test + \& Disease)}{P(Disease)} = 10/17 = 59%\]

Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) Curve Analysis

  • Empirical ROC curve
    • data are first ranked by the test result (값이 높을수록 질병이 있을 확률이 큼)
    • the values above that threshold are considered positive
    • For each threshold, SN and SP is calculated
      • ROC Curve is the plot of SN by 1 - SP
    • Lesion level에서 SP 계산을 할 수 없으므로 ROC curve도 estimate 할 수 없음


  • 예시에서 Pathology information이 available 했음
    • all women in our example had a bilateral mastectomy
    • breast or lesion level 평가를 위해서는 confirmed case only 등으로 study design을 조정해야함
  • 한 환자가 Multiple lesions이 있는 경우
    • Patient level 또는 Breast level에서는 적절히 평가할 수 없음
    • the location of the lesions의 평가 또한 patient/breast level에선 고려하지 않음
  • Correctly locate a lesion에 대한 test의 accuracy 평가
    • LROC (Localization ROC)
      • only single lesion에 대해 평가
    • FROC (Free Response ROC)
      • Observation은 mark-rating pairs의 형태
      • Mark: location identified by a radiologist as appearing suspicious of disease
      • Rating: the assessment of the probability disease is present at that location
      • the fraction of identified locations that are cancerous lesions by the fraction of the identified locations that are not의 plot임
    • the average number of false-positives per patient(FPP)
      • Lesion level sensitivity와 함께 FPP를 보고
        • Proportion of patients who have any false-positive finding도 함께 보고
    • the Poisson model for the number of false positives
      • the number of FPs 가 Poisson distribution을 따른다고 가정하고 Patient level에서의 Specificity를 추정함(the probability of no false-positive findings in a patient 추정에 Poisson 분포를 적용)
      • The lesion-level sensitivity와 patient level specificity에 대한 joint modeling을 random effects model로 설정할 수도 있음(by Zwinderman et al.)
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